
Working on projects are the best way to learn and practice, thus grow

Relax Lotus (Ongoing)

Relax Lotus (Ongoing)

Developing a Light-Music Streaming service hoping to help the audiences relax and find inner peace in the anxious society. The prototype model of the project has been rolled out, which allows the users to overlay various natrual sound tracks onto the main music track. More functions and music options are under development.



Developed a dynamic and interactive Photo Sharing Social Networking service during pandemic. We wish to light up some hopes under the lock-down by encouraging users to share places they plan to visit in the future.



Build a PC-only online library application which allows the user to organize and search for books and authors. JavaScript and HTML/CSS were used to build the front end, while NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, and FilePond API were used to build the back end of the web app.

Speed Typing

Speed Typing

Launched this addicitve mini web game "Speed-Typing" to help practice typing skills by monitoring speed and accuracy. JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and Random Quotes API were used to create the game. Just try it out, you will love it!

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe

Revived this classic Tic-Tac-Toe game on the web using vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Though it is not fancy, but it might help kill 5 seconds of the boring time.

Steel Connection Design Automation

Steel Connection Design Automation

Developed a comprehensive digital workflow for steel connection design, which consists of 4 phases:A) Data Extraction, B) Analysis and Bucketing, C) Design Automation, and D) Result Visualization, reducing connection design project timeline by 40%